"...so until next week, NONE of Rick's programs will be on Youtube."
Nathan Natas
JoinedPosts by Nathan Natas
Nathan Natas
Jimmy Bell's "THE BIG PICTURE" show on Rick's Six Screens TeleNetwork got Rick thrown into the YouTube penalty box, so until next week, NONE of Rick's programs will be on Youtube.
After that, Jimmy Bell's conspiracy show will be be on an alternate streaming service, a new addition to the growing Fearon-News-Network (FNN).
Rick Fearon is a long-suffering and very kind guy.
WingCommander, your opinion of Rick is unwarranted. Just because Rick painted your dog green does not make him a nutcase. Rick did that because Chuck Norris TOLD HIM TO.
But seriously, I consider Rick a friend and a man of principle.
Is doomsday coming as the Bible predicts or will nothing happen eventually?
by Fisherman inthe bible predicts that at some point, the god of the bible will take action.
this is very convincing when reading bible prophecy and history to back up prophecy as represented in the bible.
—exactly when god acts is another subject..
Nathan Natas
Suddenly, like an ostrich flying at night, nothing will happen. Nothing always happens, but most people are too busy to notice.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Apostates
by tfjw injehovah's witnesses basically define the term "apostate" as someone who was once a member of the "organization" (a jehovah's witness) but no longer follows the teachings, rules, regulations and practices.
the society gives their official definition in the following manner: "apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of god, actually a rebellion against jehovah god.
some apostates profess to know and serve god but reject teachings or requirements set out in his word.
Nathan Natas
Personally, I think the term "EVIL SLAVE CLASS" carries more gravitas and commands more respect for our EVIL arcane powers. Ah, to be young once more... >sigh<
My mom died.
by noni1974 init's been years since i posted here.
my jw mother died july 5th.
it was quite honestly not that emotional for me.
Nathan Natas
Welcome back, Noni1974! I offer my condolences on the death of your Mom, and I think I understand your response to it, because I had a similar response when my mother died a few years back.
I had long ago "disfellowshipped" my mother because that is what her cult taught me to do. I have two brothers who are still JW and firmly into mom-ism as well, and they thought I was a horrible person, so they didn't tell me when she died. I found out when a JW friend from my youth emailed me his sympathies. About my mom I was like, ">YAWN< What's for breakfast?" I was more bothered by my brothers' treatment of me than my mother's lack of life.
So, Noni1974, what else have you been up to the past decade?
Will Ukraine win?
by Fisherman ini was under the impression that it was going to be a short war, that russia’s military would indeed subdue ukraine’s forces quickly but that is not happening.
seems that russia’s military power is much less than it’s reputed to be.
no guess how it will all end..
Nathan Natas
Certainly Яussia thought the war would be a walk in the park before they sent in their untrained, equipped with genuine Яed Chinese junk hardware, ground troops.
Яussia has an odd attitude toward their military - they very nearly worship their Иavy while treating their ground troops like the dirt they get buried in.
Personally, I want a Ukrainian victory, partly because half my genes come from that area of the world, and largely because I enjoy it when an underestimated victim surprises a bully. Did you know "Putin" is Яussian for "Bully"?
It isn't but it should be.
Vice Network showing a documentary on CSA
by JeffT ini was channel surfing to find something to watch while working on a book.
i came in on the middle of an hour and half documentary on the vice network about jw's and child sex abuse.
it looks very well done with several experts and a number of xjw's, including barbara anderson.
Nathan Natas
Yes, JeffT, that is a repeat of "Crusaders" that showed last year, if memory serves.
I'm glad that the VICE network (it's a USA "cable" network, not on-the-air) found this documentary worthy of repeating. Perhaps a follow-up episode will be developed?
Nathan Natas
ha ha ha ha!
Today CNN is showing Sponge Bob Wokepants!
Breaking news. Masks
by road to nowhere inupdated.
october 1 no more strongly encouraged.
just regular now?.
Nathan Natas
Upon hearing of Queen Elizabeth's death, Joe Biden said it was a difficult time for him as he still harbored some resentment from the time he spent fighting in the Revolutionary War.